Sumo Wrestling

Sumo Ring (Dohyo):

This grand sport takes place in the sumo ring called the dohyo. The dohyo is a 18 feet square, 2 feet high and is constructed from a special kind of clay. Within the dohyo is an inner circle that the rikishi (sumo wrestler) compete in. 


The bout:

A bout is won by forcing the opponent out of the inner circle or throwing him in the dohyo. A bout can also be won by forcing the opponent to touch the ground with any part of his body, knee or even the tip of his finger. There are no weight limits so it is possible for a rikishi to find himself pitted against an opponent twice his own weight. But don't be fooled, the size of the rikishi doesn't determine who wins.


Kyushu Grand Sumo Tournament:

There are six Grand Tournaments in a year, three in Tokyo, one in Osaka, one in Nagoya and one in Kyushu. Each tournament lasts for fifteen days, each rikishi fighting once every day with a difference opponent. Visit the amazing Fukuoka Kokusai Centre and watch Japan's greatest sumo wrestlers battle it out for the Number 1 position.

Kyushu Tournament


Book online now

Tickets are available between the periods of November 11 - November 15, 2019.  The tickets sell very quick so get them before they run out. Photo Credits to © Nihon Sumo Kyokai all rights reserved.